GAMES: Making your Avatar

June 24th, 2007 by Susan

Relative to this post in Spinning, I kept thinking about what sort of character I would create as a persona in an online game.

Being a pretty honest and realistic person in reality–saving my fantasies for my own personal enjoyment, allowing them to leak into story characters at the most–I wouldn’t be likely to create a Barbie image.  Nor would I depict myself as an exact image of my self lest I scare folk off.

I have for various unshared projects come up with an "image" and while I didn’t go so far as to mix the blonde with some grey strands (and darker roots!), I do include the glasses, get as close as possible to accuracy with what options are available, and can’t help coming up with an extremely flattering projection.

But is it necessary to depict yourself?  Can’t we, since it’s a fantasy world, create a character to represent us that is more towards what we’d like to be than what we are?  Somehow, to me, it’d be like lying on a resume.

However, I’m going to find one of these create your avatar sites and see if I can be a bit less truthful, a bit more wishful, a bit more fun.  If it’s a knockout, and if I can make myself do it, I’ll post it later.

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