Social Networking: Notes

November 22nd, 2008 by Susan

Just some notes to myself really, on some of the areas I hope to cover in this series.

How the internet builds a wall locally while establishing a global thoroughfare
The psychology of social networking
Spammers and popularity contests
Honest communication
Sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll
Politics and religion
The online classroom
Freedom of speech
Fresh air
Plagiarism and cheating
The marriage market
Centralization of topical data
The organized communities
How much to reveal/Local vs. Online

Likely I'll be adding and updating as I try to catch the thoughts that swoop on by.  I'd also like to make it clear that this is a non-academic, non-credentialed, non-official, non-funded personal dissertation on the impact of social networking on society, and an opinion of a grass-rooted experience only. Actually, just another spouting off into cyberspace, I suppose. I'll gladly take on other areas if suggested, though I'll likely shy away from heavy research and the more cerebral philosophy of social networking.

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