HYPERTEXT & CODE: Some fun stuff

March 29th, 2009 by susan

Who’da thunk that I’d ever have gotten into the underlying structure of composing and presenting hypertext narrative? I loved Storyspace because it didn’t require much of me aside from twiddling a few dials to set up a very elegant looking hypertext so that I could concentrate on writing story. The drive to present that story online, however, led me into the whole code thing. It meant setting up a weblog that could allow for offering the pieces online, and that meant moving from Typepad to WordPress and setting up two new homes. Then learning css and html to export from Storyspace into the sites. From there, the imagination goes wild but it’s a fun learning process and each baby step I make (or elderly shuffle) is both an accomplishment as well as a treat.

Obviously, when one adds another element into the equation there naturally comes a need for variables.  With the major step of background image comes consideration of text color. On the last image, while I Photoshopped to make a dark text readable, there are other things to consider such as the links.

So I grabbed another image out of my garden files, one that in reality was hot coral California poppies and sun-drenched green leaves. I was going for composition knowing that the color was a big no-no. Ended up with this (below) and still, the original link color of cream is not going to work. But that’s fine. All I have to do is work out how to change that in a working narrative for the future.


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