NEW MEDIA: Clay #2

May 2nd, 2010 by susan

So the leaves have turned into a naked pregnant lady. And this is going to take more than a day for each, I can see that already. I sort of play with the object and add to it, form it whenever I am in the mood. This is the roughest, keeping-it-clunky stage because I’ve learned to get the form down first before any detailing is done. If I made her neck and face the right proportion at this point I just know that in working I’d likely knock off her head.

Also realized that if I photographed my work on this as it progresses, I could use it for a flash piece. Unfortunately, I lost all of the beginning of this piece, from the time the leaves were crushed into a snake, then a duck-like thing, and becoming more and more what she is at this point.

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