July 18th, 2011 by susan

Really happy to say that my hypertext story “Blueberries”, originally published in New River Journal, has also been selected for translation into Polish publication, been included in a doctoral dissertation, listed in the ELO directory, and a part of a new media college syllabus. Makes me itchy to get back to hypertext writing.
Just looked up the translation of “blueberries” as a title into Polish, and found:

czarne jagoda   (“jagody” means berries, and I thought “czarne” meant “black”)

jagody amerykańskie  (Since blueberries aren’t native to Poland this comes out as “American Berries”)

borówki (this one claims to be “Blueberries”)

czarne borówki  (Again, (“Black Blueberries”)

And this one’s my fave: “There is no human translation for that”


4 Responses to “HYPERTEXT & WRITING: Blueberries

  1. Mariusz Pisarski Says:

    To make things worse, with blueberries being black or other, I’ll retell a Polish joke on (black) berries:

    It’s a spring time. Father and son on a walk in the forest. The boy spots some berries that had got some colour already.
    “Dad, are these blackberries?”,
    “Yes, son”.
    “So, why are they red?”
    “Because they’re still green”….

  2. susan Says:

    Oh I love that, Mariusz! Thank you for making me laugh today!

  3. Maya Zalbidea Says:

    Hello Susan! When my thesis is published I will send you a copy! One section of one of the chapters is dedicated to Blueberries, I hope everybody will enjoy it!

  4. susan Says:

    I’m anxious to see it, Maya–it’ll be so interesting to see your thoughts on the new media methods of narrative. It’s being published in a Polish translation as well and that’s going to be cool. Best of luck on your defense of thesis and your continued successes!