HYPERTEXT PROJECT 3: Next Step, Attempting to find a Universal Drive Path in Windows

April 14th, 2012 by susan

Checked the WinXP pc to find that the thumbdrive which was called “Volumes/BEER” (BEER being the name I assigned to the drive) won’t work on the PC, which I knew, but hoped that Windows called a drive a drive and not its designated Letter. In this case, what I found I would need for a link would be:

<a href=”F:/abob2/abottleofbeer.html”

So Windows puts the path as the letter-designated drive and unfortunately, everyone will have a different letter on their ISB drive.

Next, I’ll try the concept of placing two versions of the piece of work on the drive, one for Mac and one for Windows, and try to find a common Programs path in Windows where it could be installed. Likely, it’d be something simple like:

<a href=”C:/Programs/abob2/abottleofbeer.html”>

And, I suppose, try to do something similar for a Mac installation, or else not make the piece available for both on the same drive.

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