Once upon a time there lived a society which had grown and flourished for centuries upon a land that had offered them everything they needed to survive and prosper.

They had plentiful game, had mastered the bow and arrow methods of hunting, had learned the secret of seed renewal, and had also learned, though rather reluctantly, that monogamy was the only way the society could continue onward since "if mama wasn't happy, ain't nobody happy" and thus the first cliche' was born.

As time went on, tribal management realized that resources were being sucked up faster than they could be replenished, caves were overcrowded, and egos were beginning to threaten the carefully planned hierarchy that had supplanted the original who-was-best-suited-to-do-what system of self-government. In a gathering of the people, with the help of Powerpoint presentations and a few Mac users who showed off with Keynote, the situation was put forth to the community.