There are customers who make my day, become friends.  Then there are those that I’d like to murder with my bare hands.  One the other day, she hadn’t been in for a while so she must have forgotten her training.  Called to find out my hours, when I said 10 to 5, she said she’d be in that day.  Of course first asking if  I worked Sunday, or if she could come in Monday when I’m closed.  She showed up at 4:55 p.m. with five pieces to frame.  Took her own blessed time choosing frames and deciding between three shades of cream for each mat.  She left close to an hour later.  She insists on preferential treatment (all of my customers get excellent service, equally).  I don’t charge overtime, I simply add in a PITA (pain-in-the-ass) surcharge for cases like this.   Since of course, I can’t simply kill her like I’m tempted to do.

And while I teeter totter between conservative and liberal, I am angry that the state of Connecticut murdered a man on death row today.  If I can’t kill someone, then neither can they. 

(Yes, of course I realize that his murdering eight women twenty years ago was horrendous–especially in view of my customer’s minor flaws, but the point is simply that killing is wrong.  This, versus my pro-pull-the-plug on Shiavo stand, where they did not kill her, but rather nature was allowed to happen on its own. I’m against government having the right to do something that is considered criminal for an individual.)

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