Just got in a copy of Space and Place by Yi-Fu Tuan as recommended. With a bit of pushing, I may be able to dig into it this weekend as soon as I finish Blood Meridian which I’m bound to do quite soon now. No papers due this weekend, except to read some more short stories and study up on Spanish for an exam. Am closer to being up-to-date on real life stuff as well, and must make a real effort to remain that way with the holidays coming up and the increased business that results from that. Also have discovered that I am to have the family dinner here, which means more than just stuffing a large ungainly bird. Must clean the house more thoroughly (although not as intensely as when Mom was around) and finally design and sew new curtains for the living room–the material has been sitting here since Spring. And oh yes, do something with all those computer parts in the office…
Perhaps Space and Place ties into all this somehow, and yes—it would probably be best if I read it before rearranging my own private space and place, for it may help.