STORIES: The Tupperware Man

He’s an engineer and all that goes with being one. Design and implementation. Conception to follow-up. His sleep is full of dreams of geometric angles and now, computerized three dimensions of things that will transform, enable, create a use for, stand up to x amount of stress, built to within one one-thousandths of x, be redrawn by pressing buttons (although sometimes he still dreams in drafting board and the black and white of pencils and paper), end up in some foreign country’s guided missile or on some Hoboken housewife’s pantry shelf. But for all his innovative bend of mind and logic, he is still incapable of understanding the life form that provided him the tools to dream in this direction. He ignored G.I. Joe and Jumpin’Joe Namath football alike. As a little boy of two or three, he played with the Tupperware collection stacked inside his mother’s lower left kitchen cabinet instead.

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