After a demoralizing revelation about my own research techniques with a final paper this past semester, and with the spotlight on this very subject by my former professor, I feel somewhat guilty about returning all the library books back tomorrow without having fully read them through. Somewhat like sticking your finger into the bottom of a chocolate cream and putting it back in the box. But two of the books I used were actually purchased for the thesis, and perhaps I will add them to the pile of others I have lined up for serious reading this month. But they must be placed at the bottom of the stack, for time once again dictates even what I must read first, then next–as suggested by Hugh of St. Victor, so you know HE’S at the top of the list. Actually, in my own rebellious manner (or stupid sense of the necessity of doing several things at once) I am embarking upon two journeys at once. Hey, it’s the 21st Century—we humans are fully capable of this now.
How successful shall I be though, in reading, learning and fully comprehending both The Didascalicon and How to Do Everything with HTML concurrently?