If you’re a regular reader of Spinning, you’ll notice that I’m getting later and later with my posts. No, I’m not sleeping in—I’ve actually been up since around 3:00 a.m. What I’ve spent the last several hours on, besides final papers, is discovery of all kinds of computer and internet stuff. Much of it is knowledge gained from reading other blogs and websites—there’s just so much good stuff out there, and eventually you come across something you’re familiar with or names you’ve run across before. Sometimes it’s a thought that confirms your own or offers new insight. It’s all just great.
Some of the technological info has probably been known for ages in the field, and while the self-taught method is slow as molasses, it does get points for effect. Just this morning I blasted a whole bunch of e-mails off to my professor (yes, I do sympathize with him as he opens his Inbox this morning) and in selecting a color font for emphasis in replies, I wondered what would happen if I selected “white.” Well, you got it: It comes up as hidden text. The e-mail message box appears blank unless you hold down the left cursor button and run the mouse across the area where a message would normally appear. If you didn’t know this already, the hypothesis and conclusion are neat to discover.
A slow method of learning, yes. But the self-satisfaction is sometimes worth it.
No, the ironing didn’t get done this morning as I’d planned, but I don’t care.