WRITING: How Much Author to Put In

In a comment below, Ben of The Life and Times of Neutrino Man brings up the question that’s often asked about personal information in weblogs, but goes further to question the bigger picture of authors and writing in general.

While I wait to see if he decides to post on this himself, I will add just a couple thoughts. Weblogs are often just personal journals alone, and very often the photo that accompanies may or may not give us a more realistic perception of the owner. In the same vein, while a writer’s written voice may differ from his reality, what is written is also open to speculation; even the most simple and direct statement.

For example, if I were to post that “the jeans I tried on yesterday that were so large fit me perfectly today,” what story is behind it? Not just one simple and concrete answer. Any number of things could have changed to result in the statement. Or worse, “the jeans I tried on yesterday that wouldn’t fit at all I slid right into this morning.” This simple statement may even cause the reader some concern, and take a path of comprehension that is very different than the author’s meaning.

So then, even what may appear to be an open and honest directly stated piece of information, in the end, offers nothing tangible.

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4 Responses to WRITING: How Much Author to Put In

  1. Weblogs and purpose

    Spinning and Neutrino Man are talking, I think, about the personal in the weblog. Doesn’t the question go to purpose rather than effacement? In a way what we write is always a test of occasion. In a conversation with Timmons…

  2. Ben says:

    Well, I don’t know, I don’t know how terribly effective I am in being thoughtful or inciteful. Most of what I write is so much useless junk. I suppose there may be a use to that, I’m not suggesting otherwise, but it’s definitely a different sort of beast.

    Perhaps you’d have something more interesting to say. I was thinking about doing a post about my progression with respect to writing, and more importantly, my attitude about it, and maybe I’ll include my thoughts on the personal, scant though they may be, but If I do that it might be a few days. Jesus, monster sentence.

  3. susan says:

    You’ve also attracted the attention of The Great Lettuce Head who has directed people to our conversation and sites.

    I think maybe you’d better come up with something, because it is an important question, and it is a personal one. You have an exceptionally eloquent and well-thought out method of writing the “mundane”. Do it.

  4. Ben says:

    Okay Susan, I wrote something and sent it to you. It is yours to do with as you will.

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