REALITY?: Dual Function

Friend Neha has commented on my odd hours as noted by my posting times, and I must explain that winter does seem to throw me off routine a bit. With my December harried work schedule and my semi-free January ways, I tend to sleep in bits and pieces only to rise at strange hours and find something that I feel guilty enough to stay up and do. Combined with my belief that I am doubling my life span by attempting to always be doing two things simultaneously, this is one of those times.

In four minutes The Kiss of the Vampire (1963) is on AMC and I will finish the last of the ironing while watching this (thank God for bifocals). Most of the day they ran war movies and the only ones I ironed by were Stalag 17 and The Inn of the 6th Happiness so I didn’t get all the way through the pile.

Talk to you later…

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One Response to REALITY?: Dual Function

  1. Neha says:

    Now that you have time, you still owe me coffee.

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