Well it’s here, the official end of my “free time”. Class starts tonight. Today I want to: draw something to use as a Spinning logo, write an essay, try to catch up my Spanish, do the sales tax, decide and record my new shop hours, clean the house, bake something that will make me feel good, write something profound, decide if I really want to dig any deeper into the new meaning of liberal/conservative vs. democrat/republican; make sure all the bills are paid up, e-mail friends I’ve let slide, write myself a reminder on any of the end of January/beginning of February deadlines, take a serious look at a story I’ve been sitting on, and hide from the world in general because I’m starting to get confused about a lot of things. I think I need a half-gallon of Friendly’s Forbidden Chocolate, and I don’t even want to share it.

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One Response to REALITY?: To Do Yet

  1. Loretta says:

    I hated to go back to work after only two weeks off. I’m sorry your free time has come to an end – but there’s always

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