It just seems that every January the computer seems to have made a resolution to cause problems, and being less than human, it’s more likely to keep that resolution. I’ve had Nervous Mouse Syndrome, Alzheimer’s of the CPU, and various other little annoyances that just get bigger as you track them down and fix them. A simple battery replacement in the motherboard resulted in regression to January 1st, 2000. Have to go back into the BIOS and reset some stuff that luckily I was smart enough to write down (four pages’ worth) when I built the system. While it doesn’t look like I lost anything, it also doesn’t look like I lost the problems either.
Susie Writer may spend the day as Susie Technician today. And I don’t think you’ll want to read any of my writings in that vein!
Looks like you still haven’t bought that iBook yet…
Amen! Get a mac, NOW!
A bit out of my league financially right now, but am saving for the near future. I’m sure I’ll hook up the shop computer to the cable via wireless networking some time soon, as soon as I get paid for pulling purple crayons and yellow flower disks out of the daycare computers!