Or is it Winter Malais?

Last week sometime, Fred of Fragments from Floyd had mentioned about the freedom that women bloggers seemed to have about airing out their moods or fits of inspiration or lack thereof, as well as their soul-searching and other emotional reactions to everyday life. We offered support and sympathy, but I truly wondered if indeed it was more difficult for our male collegues to vent (other than on politics, of course!)

Well, just when I was beginning to worry about Joe Faust at The Word Foundry, he has posted about feelings that things are somehow “wrong” lately. I’m putting two and two together and finding that it’s not a gender thing except for how we express it, but that perhaps more of a seasonal relationship to human moods that influences our energy levels, moods, and need for R & R right now.

Certainly it doesn’t hit everyone, nor those it does, does it affect in the same way. Admittedly I tend to be a bit more dramatic than most (Repressive Stage Emotive Syndrome–don’t bother looking it up, I just made it up, but I guarantee it will be acknowledged by the AMA within a couple years as the latest hot label for a simple facet of human nature!).

Joe is an experienced, accomplished, and published writer, yet as he says,

“Intellectually I know there are also a hundred things going right at the moment, but there has been just enough that it’s cast a gloom over everything. I’m going to really have to push to get past this, but I’ll make it. I think.

And the only reason I’m bothering to blog all of this is because it occurred to me that I’ve been so cotton picking cheerful for most of the Foundry’s existence.”

A lot of us have taken a few days off here and there from blogging. I think we’ve earned it. And I think we come back rejuvenated. Most of us haven’t been as vocally off the wall as I have, but I’m new at this. I will hopefully learn a more mature and graceful way to make an exit when the next mood hits. And for all of you who need to complain a bit, or take that break, don’t worry, I think that anyone who possesses the rather sensitive nature of a writer will agree, we’ll all understand and eagerly wait through it with you!

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