REALITY?: A Day, A Week, A Life

That’s how it seems to go sometimes: Just get through the day and somehow, a week, a month, a year has passed, and you’re on the last few pages of your life.

These days, my life is up and down. This is fine–I’m an up and down person; I can handle it…usually. I remember in a Contemporary Fiction class we read a story, I don’t remember which, but we discussed the story arc. It was properly there, but I felt it as electrically charged as the conflicts rose like spikes. The diagram would take on the look of a politician’s lie detector readout.

There are bunches of little things to deal with every day and these are usually my downfall. The women in our family are greater at handling the big things: We know exactly where Aunt Olga’s Funeral Cake recipe is kept, and pull it out while getting down the details of the arrangements and pulling out the winter or summer black dress depending on the season. Disasters are okay because we know what needs to be done. But as I put in a post the other day, it’s the “ants” that will do us in. The colony that lives in my mind right now is plotting something big–and I can overcome the challenge when it comes down, have no fear; but the tickling of their feet scurrying in preparation is annoying me no end.

But there you see? Today is almost over, and the week flew by so fast…

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One Response to REALITY?: A Day, A Week, A Life

  1. Loretta says:

    Oh, yes, it’s those little things that only the women remember, find, handle, shop for, cook, serve, buy, replenish, store, stock, send, give, return….good luck!!

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