I am absolutely delighted to find that two more members of our Narratives Writing Group at Tunxis Community College are due to receive recognition along with me, and I must say, I am envious but so terribly proud of them both:

Christopher Coonce-Ewing, author of Coonce-Ewing will be graduating this summer to pursue a Bachelor’s in History at Central Connecticut State College, and has been awarded the President’s Academic Excellence Scholarship. Chris has earned this honor thru his persistence and hard work while juggling schoolwork alongside caring for his family, and you will understand this when I mention that it includes an absolutely adorable two-year old named Duncan.

You have also heard me mention my friend Neha Bawa, who writes the Wanderlust weblog, and Neha is a lit candle for us all to follow. Neha has been honored with the Anthony Ledger Scholarship for Academics and Participation in College Activities because she excels at both. Neha graduated last year, but has continued on at Tunxis with extra courses–especially in English Literature and Writing, which are turning out to be not only her passion, but her true calling in a talented direction. Neha will be (sniff!) leaving us in Fall to matriculate at Seton Hill in Greenburgh, PA. Neha has been responsible for not only an amazing amount of work done at Tunxis, but in helping put together the Narratives Group, and in instituting and producing what will be the first annual Writers Conference on campus at the end of April.

Neha and Christopher both proudly bear the famous SE footprint, I believe, but their personal dedication and drive is what is carrying them onward. Congratulations, guys! You’ve certainly earned it, and I’m sure you’ll both be moving on to further success in your academic careers.

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One Response to EDUCATION & WRITING: More Rewards

  1. neha says:

    SE it is, and most likely, always will be. Thanks for the kind words Susan. Now I’m going to go imitate an ostrich and bury my head under a whole pile of sand.

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