Fifty years and more of walking the perimeter, spotting tempting trees to climb and voices telling, “no, you can’t do that,” and wanting even more to do so then. Whispers say, “well, try it, try it,” but fear of falling gets in the louder way. Perimeters turn with time into mere parameters; less likely to withhold and, with conviction, leave no hope of withdrawal left. The apple gleams by now a neon red, flashing with the ticking down of future. Reaching, stretching, learning how to climb the fence or tear it down completely, stacking wooden bars in piles of memory to stand upon. Grasping, pulling, plucking life and biting down in wonder at the taste. And swallowing, the prize hard-won, and growing from nutrition of the deed.

The above was written in response to (and referred to in the previous post) this, in a letter from Tunxis Community College:

Dear Susan,

Congratulations! The English faculty has selected you to receive their Academic Discipline Award. This honor is based on your academic performance and general outstanding abilities as a student in your program.

Pride hobbled by humility, and gratitude, inspiration, determination now. Especial thanks to Professor Steven Ersinghaus, a very special man. Knowledgeable and giving as a teacher, as patient and caring to uncute aged pouting as a father, who holds within a vibrant electricity to jolt and shock the willing pupil.

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9 Responses to WRITING & REALITY?: Journeys

  1. Congratulations!
    Your award is richly deserved.
    Please keep writing.
    Your weblog is always a treat to read.

  2. Sallie says:

    Beautiful Words! Congrats.

  3. D says:


  4. Loretta says:

    Way to go, Susan! Kudos!

  5. Joanne says:

    Susan, that’s a wonderful honor. Congratulations.

  6. Kelly says:

    congrats! 🙂 well deserved — you should be proud. what will you do to celebrate?

  7. wendy says:

    Susan – fantastic! You must be so thrilled. You must do something really special to celebrate – so happy for you.

  8. recognitions and congrats

    Congratulations to Susan “Spinning” Gibb for her excellence. And thanks for the nice thoughts….

  9. Rina says:

    A day late, sorry…Congradulations!

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