CURRENT AFFAIRS: A Creative Break?

Emerging from six months of emotional turmoil, I find it hard to continue in a creative frame of mind without sinking deeper into the somber and heartbreaking realities of life while seeking meaning in existence. With the good timing of a political atmosphere, I decided to re-enter the mainstream by jumping into what is certainly important to at least one facet of our needs, that of our government and who has a say in the rules we must live by. I tend to tread lightly in political arenas, and feel that one should never dabble, but rather study it as would a researcher or stay out of it altogether. I wait to decide my vote upon the presidential debates. But the Democratic Convention was in full swing, and so I tried to watch it.

So much creativity with words! How skilled some of these people are in twisting facts to match whims—worthy of the Bush administration, at the very least, and so have proven themselves to be up to the job at hand. Equality evidently means pointing out the differences in race, religion, and gender, and only then can we declare that there are no differences. Anti war has turned into let’s finish the job–destroy, I believe, was a word of choice. Bush was too agressive, but the Dems will be even more so. It’s all misplaced satin eloquence. It’s all b.s.

I’m a people watcher. While I was hearing speeches strategically geared to the Undecided and the Republicans Less-Than-Happy with Bush (I do not fault them this marketing ploy) that clearly said to me, “God*, I hope you’re dumb enough to think we’re really for everything Bush and the Republicans are for, but we’re stronger and wiser,” I also watched as the camera panned over a rather bewildered and confused lot of Democrats wondering if they got the convention dates mixed up.

When I began to feel degraded and raped by my helplessness to fight back, I calmed down and shut off the TV. I shall try not to watch again until the debates can present the closest view of the candidates in a live one-on-one. Though I cannot believe this either without a good measure of doubt, it is the best indicator that’s offered. And too, I still fully believe that no one individual is responsible in full for what happens under his leadership.

My dad, too polite and gentle a man to ever call anyone an outright liar, used another word: Politician.

*Yes, like the Born-Agains, it’s nice to see that the Democrats are bringing God back, and have decided they’re on His side; a point I’m sure He’s just as excited about as the conservative Republicans must be. Hopefully, this isn’t just a case of picking out the Born Again Christians as the next minority to champion.

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