WRITING & REALITY: Seeing the Whole Picture

The very real problem of understanding an issue, political or otherwise, is in not considering all the ramifications of taking a stance. On a political quiz (thanks, Joel) to find out which presidential candidates I most agree with (or perhaps just their party positions), one question I quickly answered then hesitated and reconsidered:

8. HEALTH CARE (Check any and all statements with which you agree)
a.) Support the concept of federally funded national healthcare coverage for all or most Americans.
b.) Prohibit cloning of human embryos.

I easily checked a.) but before even going on to b.) I was forced to face the reality of what a.) most likely entailed. Of course I would like to see healthcare coverage for all Americans, and perhaps because of my age or what I’ve seen personally happen lately among friends that supported horror stories I’d only read about, I must stop and consider what this really means. With higher taxes being taken to enable this coverage (rather than just cutting back on something useless–and don’t question me on this, we all KNOW that there is waste in federal spending) it would only add to the money that ultimately ends up in the insurance corporations and the hospitals and medical teams that seem to run as corporations themselves.

Yes, it helps the average American, the poor or middle-income family who can’t pay $5000 for a three hour emergency room visit; but doesn’t it benefit the undeserving even more financially? This doesn’t solve problems; it feeds them.

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