CURRENT AFFAIRS: Parallel Narrative Structures

What some of us have been feeling, Danny Gregory puts into words at Everyday Matters:

“But ever since the debates began, I feel an overwhelming need to flip to the end of the book and find out how it all turns out. I am probably taking this election far too seriously, but I find the only blogging pleasure I am getting these days is from politicos prognosticating every few minutes about the latest AP tidbit. As a result, I am cynical and judgmental.”

Literature has always been affected by and has effected political environment, good or bad. But it often cholesterolizes the creative arteries.

Time is the bypass. Surgery is scheduled for early November.

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2 Responses to CURRENT AFFAIRS: Parallel Narrative Structures

  1. Sallie says:

    I can more than relate. It hit home deeply as I read my weekly blogs… I can’t wait for 3 Nov. Wondering, will “it” be better after than?

  2. ntexas99 says:

    We all seem to be collectively holding our breath, and praying very earnestly that this next chapter, either way it is written, is one that will elevate our country and keep it safe.

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