Because, well, shoot; I have about an hour’s work left on my Stats project to do before I can play with Powerpoint to create a storyboard.

Update: Well, I’ve finished it, although I’m not sure with my cockeyed view of life that I’ve drawn the right conclusions from the graphs and figures I’ve churned out. Hopefully my eloquence in my project statement can serve to dazzle if in fact I’ve come up with a sixth dimension viewpoint that’s contrary to the concrete facts.

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4 Responses to EDUCATION VS. NEW MEDIA: Why versus?

  1. Steve says:

    Don’t worry about it – with statistics, you can support just about any position. You gotta love math, huh? Just “throw out the outliers” until your data support your conclusion. Piece of cake.

  2. Neha says:

    SE’s rubbing off on. Why does everything have to assume a deeper, darker, twisted meaning with you these days? Although, go ahead. Woo Fuller with your writing – you should be able to convince her without any problems.

  3. steve says:

    How about: stats is cool. We need statistics. New Media needs it too.

  4. susan says:

    I do like playing with numbers, but the frustration is more with the software program, and my own poor memory for formulas. Certain things just refuse to stick in my head, or for some reason, are incomprehensible to be if they are not logical (which they aren’t until they’re understood). The amount of time consumed by working out each problem is also a large part of why this course is not my favorite.

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