REALITY & ———-: The Dreaded N… M…. Words

From: Comments on Posting, “Reality & New Media: Late Autumn Morning”

“No more New Media darn it – I like the first picture better.”

Posted by: Neha at October 30, 2004 09:41 AM

But Neha, the two are inextricably one…

Admittedly, I do tend to go off the deep end on the flavor of the day, but that is something that is both me (obsessive) and an innoculation of age that pretends to either ignore the passage of time, or becomes so very aware of it by circumstances that it is finally, finally given the allocation of itself to understand it.

Our lives are ruled by time–it is the one constant and the one thing we can do nothing to halt its forward movement–we die, yet it continues beyond us–except to maneuver the paths within it to reach the spaces it provides in opportunity. To understand space and time, is to understand life. And more; to viably believe in the possibility of something outside of physical life.

How does New Media fit in? It is an attempt to control space and time using technological knowledge. Sound exists, yet only by using audio equipment can we hold onto it in its original accuracy–rather than being dependent upon memory. A camera captures a moment; very cliché, and yet the truth. It is not in its original form, it is not it–the moment itself–yet it is a better representation in its efforts to replicate the moment. How else can we combine the layers of sound, visuals and movement but via technology? As the natural world is the basis for new media efforts–digitalizing what exists and dreaming past it to create–the learning of the new media concepts can serve to teach a new way of looking at what is around us, touchable, smellable, tastable, as well as seen and heard.

So there. Your comment prompted yet another post on my most current obsession. I still write, but with more than text in mind. The images are sharper; the morning is dissected with clumsy fingers, but to include those things I might–in a space I lived in just two months ago–have missed. I have let so many haywagons pass by in my lifetime; spent the time in spaces where perhaps I should not have been. I have learned to use what’s left to me to learn what it’s all about. Which wagons, I suppose, to hop aboard and ride at least halfway into the sunset.

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One Response to REALITY & ———-: The Dreaded N… M…. Words

  1. Neha says:

    I’ve been struggling at this end to see an object as a rendition of just itself, and not something unnecessarily deep. It’s interesting to see you find parallels between the real and virtual world, and then find common ground for them to coexist. All said and done, I miss simplicity.

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