Okay, another day, another coupla defeats.  But, I think I  know what I need to do in this fight with the monster.  He’s big and swinging a sword at me (James) but he’s slow.  It doesn’t look like the handgun has any effect on him, but I finally realized that I can’t escape down the stairwell at all, and if I can just remain calm (that includes waiting to start pushing buttons until after the non-interactive video segment finishes), I can dodge his blade by running past him back and forth.  It’s all in the control, of my instincts as well as of the story.  This is where my own experience (not helping so far) and the experience of the game begin to blend.

But the timing is critical, and I must keep my wits about me, just as does  Harold, when he slips and falls but uses his Purple Crayon to save himself.  And even as I control the story (as Harold drew his own), I must know how to quickly react over things that I do not control (Harold drawing water and a sailboat).  I must learn to watch carefully, remain alert, not panic, but know when to shag my ass to escape annihilation.

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