REALITY: Waiting

Anticipation of a path in time and truly several.  Sitting, working, waiting for forecasted snow.  Super Doppler says mid afternoon; I check my daily calendar:  2:45 p.m. – Writers Festival meeting; 4:00 p.m. – Dinner; 6:30 p.m. – CW Class.  This, of course, should all go well without forecasted snow. 

Meantime, there are trips to banking, post officing and grocerying.  Back home, measuring and ordering, homeworking and cooking.  Timewise, spacewise, these are set and unaffected.  Unless forecasted snow can pre-perform itself and show up hours early. 

But late is what I’m wondering about; where will I be in Greenie on the road?  Time, the proper accurate, on-the-dot-of time is what I need to know, and then I’ll figure out which path as opened up I’ll follow.

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