Crap.  The memory’s finally straightened out, and I’m hooking up the new hard drive as a slave so that Win 98 will acknowledge the 40-gigs when I f-disk and format it and then I can transfer all the data onto D from the 1-gig C drive and then disconnect the C drive which will automatically make D into C, providing I have the jumpers set right, and, and, and…

the monitor isn’t working.

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2 Responses to TECHNOLOGY: ‘Puter Guts

  1. Neha says:

    Send it back…you probably need a new screen.

  2. susan says:

    No, this is my dad’s computer that I’m rebuilding for someone. It’s the hard drive I’m putting in that’s causing the upset stomach (both in man & machine), and I wasn’t getting a post on beep. Good grief, if it were the laptop, I don’t think I could handle the separation anxiety!

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