Today did not start well; started early, but not well.
El esposo woke me up, I made his lunch, sent him off, sat down at the computer, worked for about half an hour and then noticed the time: 4:49 a.m. Yes, an hour earlier than normal for some strange reason, but this was after I hadn’t gotten to sleep until midnight. Gee, I sure hope when he got to work the building was unlocked.
Then, instead of going back to bed for a bit, I felt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed so I started doing some stuff. Felt the need to close my eyes arount 9:30 (a half-hour before my shop opens) and was awakened by the phone at 11:00.
Groggy, disoriented, I decided to call in sick to work (my boss is a peach!) and called a friend to see if we’d bring supper over to him tonight. He’s pretty down lately, so I said I’d make him some corned beef & cabbage pressure-cooked in beer. Since we love cb&c, we have it often during the year but don’t always have it on St. Patrick’s Day (have been known to have it on Halloween, however). Before I ran out to the grocery, my sister called, re-upset about my niece who had managed to get a brain infection (she had a tumor removed last June) and has to undergo surgery again tomorrow to have an abcess drained. So I had to talk my sister down in a soothing tone which wasn’t hard because I was nodding off anyway. We’re worried, yes; but like so much in life, we’ve learned to look at the good side. The infection was discovered very early by a routine MRI and things could have been much worse if it had progressed to the point where she was even noticing any effect. She’s in good health, and things should be fine.
Then I ran out to the grocery and to the computer sale on campus. Was the fortieth person in line, got right in when they opened, and every freakin’ system was gone by the time I made it to the back of the room. Didn’t feel like rumaging through parts for a motherboard or anything else, so that trip was a waste.
So here I am, hiding in the house behind closed blinds pretending I’m sick. In the meantime, I’m about to throw the corned beef in the pot and fire ‘er up. Also must not close my eyes for fear of falling asleep. Then I need to pack up dinner, meet my husband over at Gus’ house, and be the sunshine of their lives.
I love this story.
Yeah, you can’t make this stuff up. If I wrote the story, it’d sound like one of your “edgy” types that workshopping would pronounce unrealistic.