How many times can you list, relist, research, organize, alphabetize, change, realign, add to, delete from, change font on, re-research a list of possible places to submit?
And then, how long can you keep editing a cover letter?
And play with the printer?
Forever, it seems; if you’re undecided about making that final decision about submitting and you’re tired of re-reading your own stories to the point where the cover letter looks more interesting. I just don’t feel ready. And it is a commitment because you can only submit a story or two and then you can’t submit again until you hear back from them. I keep telling myself to just do it, but can’t seem to get past that little voice that says I’m being foolish and egotistical to even bother. Then there are all those suggestions during critiques from only a limited amount of people that I’ve tried to incorporate into changes, but what about the people who haven’t read it–what would they have to say? And the suggestions given that I didn’t take–am I blind to the obvious?
Maybe if I just stall long enough, the deadlines will come and go and the decision will be out of my hands until September.
Just listen to my little voice. “Submit already, or someone’s going to get a pretty bad spanking!”
Stop…you’re turning me on!
There are almost too many options. Email/mail, simultaneous or not, pays or doesn’t pay and how much, and of course for contests there’s the entry fee. How much is too much or too little? Inevitably I also screw something up. I’ll proof the story meticulously and then (once I did this) type my own address incorrectly. Sheesh!
But, yes, just submit something!
Just Do It. Written by someone who doesn’t, but wishes she did!
Loretta, you’re in position right now to do so–do it! I just don’t have the confidence in my work right now, but hope to kick myself back into either feeling good about my stories or write some good stories.
Barbara, I’ve given up on contests. You have to figure that the competition’s even stiffer at that point, and I’d rather see the piece get published than get paid for it right now. I’m just not ready–I don’t think.