It’s difficult (omygosh–just for the first time noticed the numeric keypad as part of the regular keyboard on Del! Sure wish I’d learn to read directions and manuals first. Although to be honest, the only time I’ve needed it in the past six months was to make a Spanish e [gonna have to look it up to see how it works])
Anyway, it’s difficult enough for a student heading into graduation to know what lies ahead, but for an older student who is not making career plans, it’s next to impossible. Or at least it is for me.
There’s the winding up of paperwork–two Western Civ papers and a couple Creative Writing stories. Does my GPA stand as it is without the last required summer course or will it be affected by the lack of it, I wonder.
There’s graduation itself–do I bother buying the Phi Theta Kappa gold tassle? Who wants to go to scream and applaud? Do I have to wear high heels again this year so they can see me in the crowd? Do I even want to be there myself? If I go, will Jim take us all out to dinner first? If I don’t go, will it matter since my dad won’t be there, nor the kids able to make the trip this year.
With all this to think about for the next three weeks, where will I be the next morning? Am I smarter, or cooler, or any different at all? Will I need to wear the tassel every day in the shop to prove it? Would it be tacky to frame my diploma and put in on display in the guise of a sample?
And where do I go from there? It’s not like I’m embarking on an exciting journey of life; I’ve been there already. I’ve already made plans to attend a writers conference at Wesleyan this summer, but where do I go after that? I’ve several ideas, but you know, I just got the grand one of using some of that education to plot them out…
New media style, in Powerpoint or Illustrator (since Storyspace is a bit out of reach yet–although another idea just occurred that the cost is akin to a semester course and may be doable or at least justifiable).
I’ll be back.
Do it all ! The tassle, the high heels, the dinner, the works! You deserve and you need to celebrate you. (Do I not sound like a bad greeting card?)
Just do it.
Maybe even TWO tassles?