EDUCATION: Whose Fault, if Any?

Or am I just old and cranky?  I’ve calmed down in the last half hour, but I still cannot for the life of me understand why someone would undertake getting the education to enable themselves to teach at a college level, then allow students to carry on a conversation while they’re lecturing. 

I don’t really blame the kids; obviously they haven’t been taught properly by their parents.  They slipped by the kindergarten, grade school, and high school teachers too, who were also for some reason unwilling to take on the responsibility of teaching kids that it is fucking rude to speak while someone else is conducting class.  But at the college level?  Isn’t it about time someone clued them in that this is unacceptable in the real world?  If academic thinking at the college level, and perhaps sooner, is not to squelch the individual’s thinking but to allow freedom of expression unlimited by the clock or other authority, and that it is a good thing to discuss off-topic subjects that come up as a result of let’s say, a history lesson, then why isn’t it okay to teach manners–which will, I promise, extend to all fields of study and career.

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4 Responses to EDUCATION: Whose Fault, if Any?

  1. ntexas99 says:

    You know what the problem was, right? It isn’t that the kids are rude and ill-mannered (no, of course not). The problem is that you weren’t properly attired:

    next time, be sure you’re wearing this shirt, so then they can interupt the lecture to ask you what it means (*smile*)

  2. susan says:

    I love it! I want one–maybe a couple because it’s almost a daily uniform-need. Thanks for pointing it out!

  3. Chris says:

    Are you kidding..those kids know exactly what that t-shirt means!Too bad they wouldn’t take it personally. I too am frustrated by the rudeness, immaturity, ignorance…I could go on. I keep thinking…”what is going on here?” I have two daugters, 19 & 21..(and a 13 year old son). I went home that night and asked all them if they did that in class, (asked ridiculous questions, purposely distracted the instructor, talked, made excuses, got up to throw something away during class…etc. etc.)They all had stories about annoying classmates, but more importantly about ignorant instructors, who either did the same, or just allowed it. What happened to manners?

  4. susan says:

    Thank you, Chris, for lending credence to my aggravation. Otherwise, no one could really know for sure if it’s just me being cranky. And I think you’re right–it’s the professor’s job to demand order in the classroom. He’s a good guy, but should never allow this to interfere with teaching those who want to learn.

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