Here I am, pining away for poetry and via Languagehat I’m directed to (which I forget to check in on since they’re not on my Bloglines listing) and their "31 Groundbreaking Works". 

Good grief.  Looks to me like I may be adding to my reading list.  Some good stuff here, obviously, and what I may instead try to do is spend some library time instead of money in reading up on these pieces and their authors. 

I realize that these are not what sells these days, but then, I’m not interested in selling poetry, just writing it.  And too, more for practice in the manipulation of language that eventually will show up in short story form.  But starting from the old to learn the new is one of my methods, and this listing appears to have a diverse group included.  I also will shortly be into the first of many, many lit journals I need to catch up on, and they’re loaded with contemporary works. 

Read, read, read.  Write, write, write.  I’ll get the hang of this yet.

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