NEW MEDIA: Facade Flirting

Evidently, as Steve has discovered as well, if you come on to either Trip or Grace, you are summarily ousted from their badly decorated penthouse (personal opinion only because I hate contemporary home decor). 

One thing I noticed on this latest excursion into their world was that there are a few different private conversations Trip and Grace have either before you knock on their door, or when they are together in the kitchen while you’re out in the living area. 

One word I stuck in my questioning this go-round was "divorce."  That did change their attitude a bit.

Another revelation, and I’ve got to check the previous transcripts on this, is that this time, Grace said she had bought the painting over the couch, and in the others, I think she admitted to painting it herself.  This would bother me.  Are the characters advanced to the level of telling lies?  Is it just another scenario?  This seems unlikely because prior visits, while having some but not all of the conversation lines, do hold to the same basic background of the characters.  And what accounts for the difference here?

Curiouser and curiouser.

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2 Responses to NEW MEDIA: Facade Flirting

  1. easywriter says:

    Thank you for visiting and I’m so pleased that I found your site. Gone to have a good look around now.

  2. steve says:

    There can certainly be the capacity for lying in the system. What’s important is what came before. Can you trace this?

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