Within the New Media phase of my learning, I’ve been involved in the marital problems of Facade’s Trip and Grace. 

In my writing exercises and learning, I need to add conflict to my stories; it’s not enough to write well.

In reality, the worst part of hummingbird season is upon us; the territorial fighting over who owns the feeders and the immediate surrounding area now that the male is over his infatuation (sex) with the female, and the kids have grown up and have access to the feeding grounds.

In returning to school as a college student a few years ago one of the biggest barriers I had to overcome was the belief that the instructor is God himself up there in the front of the room.  To be encouraged to argue was as alien to me as saying "no" to my mother when I was six.  (I wasn’t always obedient, just sneaky instead of belligerant and bold.)

I dislike argument.  I dislike the noise and the possibility of hurt feelings (hurting others, more than being hurt myself).  Yet I’ve been overdosing on it this past week or so, and maybe, just maybe I’ll be able to transfer the conflict that I try to avoid in my personal interactions with people to the characters in my writing.  This story that came to me out of nowhere yesterday appears loaded and ready.  Let’s see if I am.

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