REALITY: Sleepless in Burlington

The eloquent Loretta (Pomegranates and Paper) posted earlier this week on the tossing and turning that comes with the territory (of women?  of worry?  of hot summer nights?) and there’s a small group forming that may consider instant messaging at midnight.

The only way I have been able to sleep the past couple weeks is watching tv.  But then after only a coupla-two-tree hours I awake and cannot regain ground on the need for the rest, for my mind, if allowed any quiet time, will rev up with the roar of a foundry of thought.

Yesterday was a semi-good day for the personal news:  a job possibility for him (not for me–no one wants me, it seems!); a few coins in a collection that may be worth more than face value (what else do you do at four a.m. when there’s no inspirational words to be found?); a home heating oil contract for fifty cents cheaper than last week’s. 

And today, today I wait by the phone as my hair greys beyond the blonde I am in my mind.  I need peace of mind, I need hope, I need sleep.

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