Augustine, Boethius, or Hugh of St. Victor?  Hugh’s sitting on the hearth, but Augustine’s available online, and Boethius beckons with philosophy.

Hofstadter’s Metamagical Themas or Marie-Laure Ryan’s Narrative as Virtual Reality?  One intrigues with promise, the other is more relevant to interests.

Nonfiction is harder to select.  And any of the above are perhaps months of reading.  But I must get started on them; they’ve sat too long waiting.  (And no, don’t worry, I won’t be excerpting and dissecting them here!)

Meanwhile, I skip gaily through Glimmertrain, and perhaps hit Best American Short Stories (2003) after that.  Or maybe, just to be more open to conversation, I’ll break rules and hop to the latest first.  That’ll warp my orbit a bit.

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4 Responses to LITERATURE: Choices

  1. Bud Parr says:

    I never made it all the way through St. Augustine, but I loved Boethius’s consolation of philosophy. Good geeky fun!

  2. susan says:

    Yes, I’m leaning in that direction. Boethius is also available online for downloading and a quick scan revealed reading not too difficult for an overloaded mind. Thanks!

  3. Mark says:

    You are so prolific Susan. I just can’t catch up.

  4. susan says:

    Mark, you missed out on Big Tim Dawson, and I take it you’re not real interested in my 18-page paper on Poetics and Cannery Row

    That’s okay, just try to keep up with Spinning posts. I’d miss you if you gave up on me.

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