God bless blogging.  The freedom of speech that is slowly being taken away here in America is and always will be allowed by some Divine Power to exist. 

I just wandered onto a site that is self-proclaimed as atheistic, and since I find that seeing the other side of things often serves the purpose of either strengthening my position or modifying it, I started reading.  I cannot here show examples since I would not without proper credit and just don’t want to get all that involved in recriminations and arguments, but it was as blatantly opinionated and filled with false logic as any religious fanatic’s might have been in an opposite direction.  The arguments were of the ends justifying the means format, instead of logically one step following another to conclusion.  You know, God is all good and can only create good, so if evil exists, then obviously there is no God.

Just a vague example, it attacked the Lenten tradition of fasting as supposed to be a serving of the body and so in a direct contradiction to its purpose.  Who ever said fasting was to serve the body?  To give to the poor was pooh-poohed as being destructive–since you know they’ll just waste it on booze and drugs, so this Christian-like practice was a bad one too.  You get the idea.

Sounds like something from The Onion where it would be read for the spoof it would be.  But still, God bless blogging and the availability of the diversity of mankind.

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One Response to BLOGGING: On Voices

  1. Every belief system, even non-belief systems, have their extreme ideas. Blogging does give us the opportunity to hear all the various voices out there. Sometimes, though, I think the most opinionated are the ones most likely to blog, while others with more moderate views remain silent, so I sometimes wonder how balanced a view blogosphere gives us. A twist on the old “squeaky wheel” syndrome perhaps.

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