For the past two weeks I have Snagglepuss on my mind, although in truth, it is Snaggletooth that is more apropos.
I started life out just as the rest of us, toothless. Had a couple minor glitches teeth-wise along the way but ended up with a fairly nice and naturally even set, although of the more yellow color and those three scallops on both upper and lower front four. The scallops have long since worn down, being a meat-loving bone-chewer and worse, a "use teeth to open" practitioner on all but the most stubborn nutshells and wine-bottle corks. Well, there comes a day when the piper must be paid.
A bit too much candy lately–in lieu of cigarettes only, since I have never had a real sweet tooth but did, of course, bite into the tootsie roll pops to get at the center and into all hard candy that occasionally came my way–and my teeth have given in. A large chip came out of a lower front tooth and though it is not that noticeable to others, it feels like a huge hole has been blasted out through which I naturally cannot keep my tongue from constantly exploring.
Yes, I will have it repaired as soon as our dental insurance kicks in, but in the meantime, it’s truly annoying to have to go find scissors or a knife just to rip open a plastic wrapping.