In the interest of art, my husband’s breakfast was interrupted when, upon shutting off the shower, I heard the grinding of the peppermill and realized that he had prepared himself poached eggs.
Now, since I am looking to transform my pseudohyperfiction piece The Paths into Macromedia Flash 8 format, and since one of the main visuals in one of the four stories is a runny egg, and since I know my husband likes ’em that disgusting way, I ran out, grabbed the camera, fed it batteries and shouted, “hold it!”
Quickly explaining my purpose (although luckily he didn’t read the story), he patiently followed some direction in eating his breakfast. All I needed was just a base image to play with, so I wasn’t too critical.
“Perfect!” I said.
“Yes,” he said, “when they’re still warm.”
Now, where do I find a stand of corn in April?
I love poached eggs. Yesterday I tried to get my boys to eat them. Glad I did not give them your visual{although a good pic} for B-fast…might make them forget about eggs for life. Not sure how “flash” would work in here either…running eggs and invisable stands of corn, but you are a WonderWoman with visuals… I am sure the stories will turn out fine. I downloaded them and will read between sips of java. ~Happy SUNday!~