BLOGGING: A Satisfying Compromise

I was almost sorry I’d allowed the Googlers back in–mainly students doing research on literary papers probably due the next day. 

I’d halted the flow about a year or two ago, when it bothered me to see what search terms were being used that landed them in the middle of what were trying times for me, the death of my friend, Chris and then my Dad.  And now, the old authoritorial ire surfaced when I noted that John Cheever could still draw them in like flies.  But then I figured that maybe what I wrote could help them understand something about whatever I had been reading, or at least offer a different perspective. 

But now I can’t help but giggle because I’m sure I’m causing some frustration:  The hits are coming in based on my reading lists in the sidebar.  And, half of them are books I haven’t even read yet.

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