Meant, after last night’s dream, to finish up the main thrust of the prior posting. To compare the odd abilities for magical transformations occurring within a setting of reality in our dreams. Inspired by a dream and the potential of new media to enhance not by addition of visuals that affirm a story line but rather to conflict with it, similar to the simple saying yes and shaking one’s head indicating no.
That’s where all this was heading, to exploration and possibility and paths delineated by which of the senses the reader/user chooses to trust. A forced choice when there is conflicting information, and it’s something that happens often enough in the real world (ex., looks like him, but it doesn’t sound at all like him) on a less extravagant basis than in our dreams. And again, what multimedia could offer in an elaboration of event.
But then I fell asleep for a few more hours. Another dream, one again based on a different part of my reality and stress. Little symbolism, but much more drama and agitation. Obviously what fills my waking thoughts has penetrated into the refuge of rest. And this interesting project of projection will be abandoned in favor of seeking some other form of relief.
But the concept remains a question.