Or maybe that’s misbehavior. I can’t keep my feelings to myself about that Lowe’s commercial that’s currently running. It’s for wall paint. And the reason you need it?
"Christopher," the father says, standing in the doorway of his maybe 7 or 8 year-old son’s room. "You know how your mother feels about bouncing a ball on her floors." The kid nods, smiles, and instead bounces the ball off the wall in his room. The idiot father just shakes his head in misguided pride of some sort at his son’s ingenuity and what I’d call blatant snot-nosed belligerance.
What’s wrong with kids these days? Not much that intelligent parents couldn’t help. I would ask rather what’s wrong with people of child-rearing age these days? Oh, I forgot; this is the "free to express yourself, don’t trample your kid’s ego by pointing out when he’s doing something wrong (remember, the kid supposedly knew how his mother would feel), everybody’s got rights generation that’s doing their best to mess up the next.