We saw two bluebirds this morning; they seem to want to build a nest inside the feeder.  But don’t they know how much too early it is?  Does time control nature or does nature control time?

And of this new year I’ve been seeking as a closing of the past, there still is promise beneath the blips of glitches that last year I would have seen as more and more and more.  This year, they are mere cowpies in my path. 

Though New Year’s Day was scary, and in itself looked as if it were to be a lifechanging event.

Jim fell ill, nauseous and couldn’t eat.  Alka Seltzer made him vomit.  Twice he slowly stood up, took a few steps and collapsed on the floor.  He hit his eye on a radiator.  Twice he appeared to be having a seizure and I got as far as 9-1 on the phone.  Through the fear I saw the real possibility of change, the very point at which life takes a different path.  I thought I’d lost him.  By the end of the day he was better, and we still aren’t sure if it was sugar shock or food poisoning or a bad stomach flu.  But life that could have changed instantly, remained on course.

This coming week should bring some sense of closure to a few things that have been hanging over my head.  I do hope and pray.

So what does time mean then, if I can start my own era on a whim?  If bluebirds want to mate and nest in January?  Time means no more or less than what we name it.

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5 Responses to REALITY?: Time

  1. I love bluebirds.

    Maybe he ate something he was sensitive to.

    Lately if I eat packaged potato chips (which I do only rarely), I feel just awful. Maybe it’s all the MSG or other additives they put in them, but they’re not fun anymore.

    That must have been frightening for both of you.

  2. JCF says:

    I’ll keep the two of you in my prayers.

    And thanks, much too belatedly, for all the good thoughts you’ve sent me over the last year.

  3. susan says:

    Thanks, Barbara. I believe that since he hadn’t taken all his pills and with some of what he had been eating, the body chemistry was thrown off and hopefully he’ll learn that the medications are necessary and can’t be taken just whenever.

    Joe, I always read your site, though it’s sometimes impossible to comment but you know you’re being read. Thanks too for the prayers–even if our problems just come down to being much more careful in the future.

  4. Anne says:

    Time matters to Mother Earth, however. Irresponsibility of the human element. Seasons and temperatures are out of sync — very confusing for the flora and fauna.

  5. Loretta says:

    Damn! I’m glad he’s okay. Now that’s NOT the way to start the New Year!

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