REALITY?: There was a hummingbird…

…at the feeder right outside my kitchen window, but of course, he wouldn’t come back to have his picture taken and my arms got tired.  The second I closed the screen he returned.


However, it’s also a photo of my new kitchen faucet since the hot/cold mixer wasn’t working right and the plumber put in a new setup since he was working on the pipes yesterday.  Didn’t want an expensive faucet since we’re still hoping to do an addition and kitchen renovation some time soon, so when mi esposo took off to Home Depot I warned him not to get anything expensive.  Luckily the plumber went with him and suggested this high faucet style since hubby wouldn’t likely know how important that is to washing dishes.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: There was a hummingbird…

  1. susan says:

    Yeah. It wouldn’t have been so still had the hummingbird been there.

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