While I may be stubbornly clinging to my own perception of Ham, it does appear that as he matures there is still that substitution of physics and string theory that I visualize as a safety net holding all that he is and was, and holding it all together as well as maintaining a comprehensible history of sorts.I would think that this rationale enables Ham to control what he can and gives it a dimension that does not exist in real life. Perhaps it ties himself in with the rest of humanity and makes him transcend what he’s been through, I don’t know. But his interest, his dedication, to theories and the setup of the universe to explain life seem to intersect here, as he finds out about a relationship he was hoping to have with Pen:
The backgrounds shatter. Sometimes the math makes no sense. I took a sip. Cold coffee.
Ham may have just lost it all. I have an image of gridlike netting, rolling like waves outward to the edges, affecting all that is balanced upon it.
But there, in the center, a hole.