REALITY?: Autumn

Mornings dark and the room still grips the cold night that snuck in through the open window.  Kitchen lit in eerie fluorescence that slips into the shadow of the wholeness of the house.  Midday sun beams down in toothless smiles, unaware it’s cloaked in autumn jackets on the trees.  Late afternoon while one is napping, summer sneaks back in to tiptoe past the windows, warm the pavement, shake the mind to hold onto the green leaves.  To hold onto the green.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Autumn

  1. azureone says:

    Sounds so sad to me. I love autumn.

    I prefer to think of it like this:

    Colors bursting, sharpened by the straight cool of the air. Pink heat pushes out. Autumn watches calmly. Summer dances in the heat of its sun, happily lost in play. With a slow stretch Autumn gathers herself. Summer’s bedtime has come.

    There is a pic with this at:

    I love your blog – especially since you spent much time on Bulgakov.

  2. susan says:

    That’s so lovely, and your weblog is enchanting as well as very informational so I’ll be spending some time there. I do love Autumn and Spring the best but find the transition an upheaval.

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