For the first time in all the years I’ve been building computers the hardware gave me grief and the software didn’t.  Of course, I’ve still got to activate Win XP and that’ll take another phone call to Microsoft to explain that the system was rebuilt and I’ll be using this o/s only on the one pc.  I did call and talk to somebody before I actually got the pc finished and I think she told me to try putting it in by putting in the old hard drive and I tried to tell her that no, it wouldn’t work because the hard drive would notice that the processor, motherboard, CD, and the very home they live in was not where it was supposed to be.  Maybe she didn’t understand me, but then I had a hard time understanding her too.  I wish they would put people in the technical support area who can speak clearly and distinctly. I’ve only gotten one out of all the phone calls to support I’ve made.

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