TECHNOLOGY: Solitaire and Speed Testing

One of the primary uses of Microsoft’s Solitaire is to visually note any increase in computer speed after the addition of any RAM modules in an upgrade.

I have  2 Gig of memory in this new machine, but according to Solitaire, this sucker’s not as fast as Jim’s 600 Mb AMD cpu with 512 RAM.

Watch the ending of the card animation when you win a game.  If they zip so fast you can’t see it, you’ve got a fast machine.  When you can watch them roll and bounce, you’ve got a dog.  (This is the only reason, BTW, that you need to move the cards all the way through to the end; if you stop at the 8’s and add 200 you’ve got your score, at two 6’s and add 300, or at the 4’s and add 400, you save lotsa time.)

So why is this so slow?

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2 Responses to TECHNOLOGY: Solitaire and Speed Testing

  1. Anne says:

    Is your PC acting sluggish?

    There! My good deed for the day. And if it turns out to not be thus, what the hey, at least i’m trying to be nice. After all, everyone should step out of character once in a while.

    Good to see you S!

  2. susan says:

    You’re always the sweetheart, Anne. I’ll check it out, but this is a brandy-new pc so it shouldn’t have fatigue. The runs, perhaps, but not fatigue. Thanks!

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