Seeds: Snowshoe Peas and Tom Thumb Lettuce, Chives, Sweet Basil, Oregano, Green Bush Beans and Yellow Squash, Cucumbers and Butternut and Radishii–still need Dill and plants like peppers and tomatoes.
A row of pickin’ bouquets out of Bachelor’s Buttons, Poppys, Dianthus, Annual Phlox, Asters, and seven kinds of Zinnias plus whatever deadhead seeds I’d saved last summer.
Used to start the seeds indoors on tables, every kind of seed and towards the end of March I’d maybe bring them all up from the cellar to harden off–get them used to summer sun and truck them all downstairs again at end of day. No more–too needy as they cry out from their nursery for months and months until I let them safely play outside.
No more. Spring should be a thing anticipated not groaned about as have-to-do’s instead of wanna’s.